Horse Racing Ireland (HRI) is the national authority for thoroughbred racing in Ireland, with responsibility for the governance, development and promotion of the industry under the Horse and Greyhound Racing Act 2001.

Suzanne Eade was appointed Chief Executive of Horse Racing Ireland (HRI) in November 2021. Horse Racing Ireland is the governing body of horseracing in Ireland and is responsible for the overall development and promotion of the thoroughbred industry. 

As a commercial semi- state body HRI, through its board, reports to the Minister for Agriculture Food and the Marine. This reporting line reflects the importance of Ireland’s thoroughbred racing and breeding industry to agricultural development and employment in every region of the country. 

As Chief Executive, Suzanne is responsible for ensuring that the following functions of HRI are carried out:

  • The development and promotion of Irish racing
  • The overall administration of Irish racing
  • The allocation of race fixtures
  • Race programming and prize-money
  • Negotiation of media and data rights
  • Control of the operations of authorised bookmakers
  • Stake holding of prize funds including entry fees and sponsorship monies
  • Guaranteeing the cost of integrity services
  • Grants to authorised racecourses 
  • Industry training and education

Suzanne is also Director of HRI’s subsidiaries and HRI-owned racecourses: